Thursday, July 28, 2011

Reading and reading some more

Lately, I've been reading books and reading blogs and reading tweets.  Just in case you haven't been doing any of these things, let me tell you there are some amazing people doing amazing things out there!  What I'm reading right now is Hourglass by Myra McEntire.  I'm more than half-way through the book and I care so much about these characters!  I can't wait to see what happens next.

The blogs I've read include ones by Jane Friedman and Veronica Roth.  I've learned a lot about writing and creating characters, as well as what to do (and not to do) in blogging.  I've also been following links all over the place reading about how to create a blog people will read.  So, look for implementation of those ideas!

And, I have to admit I've spent more time than I want to admit reading tweets by Maureen Johnson.  She is hilarious!  I also read 13 Blue Envelopes and have pre-ordered her new book, The Name of the Star, from Books of Wonder in New York.

In addition to all this reading, I've also been writing.  Gracie's story is moving through a major revision because of a huge change in the beginning of the novel.  The NOHSCBWI conference is September 23-24, and I plan to submit pages for a critique, so I still have more to do!

What about you?  What have you been reading?  Read any good blogs or tweets?  Let me know!