Happy Summer! I have to admit summer is not my favorite month (I LOVE fall--autumn), but this year has been tough, and summer feels like what we need.
The title of this post is " Metamorphosis" for several reasons. One is because since summer means I have a break from my day job, it is always a time of change for me. The other is because I have recently discovered a great artist, Leah Piken Kolidas. Please check out her website and her art work, and while you're there, read her blog. She has a challenge on her site called Creative Every Day and I've signed up. Read more about it at her site, and maybe you will, too. Anyway, the theme for this month as we create every day is, right, you guessed it, METAMORPHOSIS. It's not a theme everyone has to follow, but with how I've been feeling for the last few months, it seemed like a good one to use.
So, today I finished my next to the last paper for a grad class that goes along with my day job and I painted and wrote. The beginning of my novel has changed and today a new scene popped up which introduces a couple of characters I hadn't thought we'd meet until later. It's pretty exciting, but it means there will be more changes than I'd expected as I'm working back through it. I'm excited about it, and I hope others will be, too.
It is storming outside, so I'm going to watch the storm! What changes are you thinking about undertaking in the next week or month?